Saturday, January 26, 2008

i wanna go home... Yeah

YeaAh! There's just 4 more days to go, then i can leave Kedah~ flying back home soon ^^
I was so excited and can't wait for the day coming.
This time, we are flying to KK, there are 7 of us altogether in the same flight this time, and 4 of us Miri will be staying one night in KK, since there is plenty of time, we earn a one day trip in KK~
Although we gonna skip a lot of classes & miss those very important TIPS from the lecturers for the coming term exam, but, its still worth it because if we went back on chinese new year eve, the price of air ticket is doubled or tripled!! So,i definitely will choose went back earlier & enjoy a longer holiday! Isn't it a wise choice?? :P  haha...
Actually i had started to pack my luggage since last thursday, sounds a bit Too Early ya? But there's some reasons, because i worried that i might not have much time to pack it next week, as my Group is going to do our Eng presentation next Tues, besides, there's a lot of things waiting for me to do, reports...quizes..revision...assignments...bla bla bla!@#$%.................(but still managed to watch dramas) :P

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