Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 coming to an end~~

Group photo in front of pavillion

another group photo :)

me with a tired smile~after walking for the whole day

Lily & 一比零!

the merry merry christmas tree and our  christmas hat standing high!

isabel . lily . evelyn

christmas tree with purple ribbons

blue christmas tree

group photo by evelyn! :P

getting ready with our spray

everyone is counting down for christmas day

crowded street and bubble spray all around
马桶套餐点~ at sunway pyramid
my toilet bowl of cheezy rice~ our brunch before leaving to airport

its almost the time to saygood bye to 2010~
janice, me and katty~ bestiest in secondary clasS!

Me, Mary, Katty! Best friend~

the only photo including 4 of us~and mei vui had leaved that time~

with my beloved friends

with the beautiful christmas decorations in Parkson

wohooo~ presents!


the big bread~

love the colourful decorations in sunway hotel.
and now。。。。。 its time to say good bye to 2010~~~ 5...4...3...2..1...0!!!! 2011 is here!!!!
still thinking about what new resolution should i have in this brand new year!
Gotta improve myself in all aspects~
Hope everything will be better!
Everyone will be happier!
Live will be more contented!
and love each other more!

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