Wednesday, July 27, 2011

oh God this reminds me of the Report again

I felt like time is passing like bullet train when it comes to holiday~ i was still dreaming on my weekends and now i woke up and realised its WEDNESDAY already! it's mid week! and i don't think i had done much things in these days~~ 
Woke up late this morning when its almost noon time, the first thing greeted me today is this....a text from MR ARC. (he's so hardworking bcos he messaged almost all the students under his group very frequently during our industrial training to give his 'word of wisdom' time to time....and they are 11 students in our group!)
 He kindly advising us to work hard for our training report. And of course, i haven't start even a BIT of it...cos it's holiday no? But its shame on me as i saw this text from him to remind us not to wait until tomorrow, that's what i had in my mind always :P  LOL..

                           Yes Sir! i promise i will...only if i am such a hardworking student....but I'm NOT....

I'm still trying to be as healthy as i can, at least i didn't failed for my breakfast.failed for other meals of the day :( Having all sorts of Muesli , oats and cereals, even though they don't taste as good as my favourite MILO/coffee....etc.etc.)

Healthy. Low Fat. Low sugar.

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